Bloomfield Chorale

Become a Member

If your chorus sings in New Jersey, NJ Choral Consortium is ready to help you grow. Membership questions? Email us.

Expand Your Marketing Reach

  • Online listing of member choruses with links to your website or social media page.
  • Online calendar of performances, auditions, fundraisers, workshops, and other events by member choruses.
  • Member chorus publicity via the NJCC Facebook page and e-newsletter.
  • Member chorus flyer displays at NJCC meetings and events.
  • Share your chorus news with other NJCC members on our Chorus Connection membership portal.

Build Your Skill Base

  • Sing with colleagues in open sings, master classes, and performance workshops.
  • Strengthen your musicianship in workshops on vocal technique, vocal health, choral repertoire, and more.
  • Learn from professionals in marketing, fundraising, management, and technology.
  • News and resources for singers, conductors, board members, staff, and volunteers.
  •  Free or discounted admission to NJCC events for everyone in your chorus.

Develop Your Network

  • NJCC e-newsletter with member chorus calendar and updates from the world of choral music.
  • Free access to our membership portal on Chorus Connection.
  • Members-only invitations to sing at Carnegie Hall.
  • Contacts with other choruses for collaborating and sharing resources.
  • Links to webinars, conferences, articles, and singing opportunities.
  • Discounts on tickets for selected concerts by our member choruses.


All memberships are valid for a calendar year. Renewal notices are emailed in January. 

Everyone in a member chorus is a member of NJ Choral Consortium and entitled to member discounts and benefits.

New members may join at any time. New organizational members get half-price dues for their 1st year.

Pay online with any credit or debit card, with or without a PayPal account. 
Zelle may also be used for dues payments. Zelle is a free app available through your bank to pay directly from your bank account. The payee is for all NJCC payments.

If you prefer to mail us a check, please enclose our membership form.
Please email us or call 862-438-5232 if you need assistance with payment.

We welcome new members from all types of choral groups that sing in NJ:

  • All musical genres and missions
  • Small, large, or mid-sized
  • Auditioned or not
  • Professional, semi-professional, or amateur
  • Adults, youth, or multi-generational
  • Men, women, or multi-gender
  • Independent or affiliated with a congregation, school, orchestra, theater, opera company, or other organization
  • Other musical organizations and interested individuals who do not participate in a member chorus are also invited to join us.

1st Year

$ 25
00 Per Year

Renewing Chorus/Organization

$ 50
00 Per Year

New or Renewing Individual

$ 25
00 Per Year