Orpheus Men's Club

Frequently Asked Questions

Website & Chorus Calendar

How do I get my chorus concerts and other events onto the website Chorus Calendar page?

Log in to your Chorus Connection account. Click Go next to NJ Choral Consortium. In the black bar on the top right, click Manage, then Calendar, then New Event. Enter the information and click Save.


  • If you don’t see the calendar at all, the problem is on your end. First try reducing or enlarging the window. If that doesn’t help, quit and try it with a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc. – different ones seem to work better at different times).
  • If your chorus has a Chorus Connection account for its own members, make sure you’re on the calendar page for NJCC, not the calendar page for your chorus. If the URL (the website address at the top of your browser window) has njcc in it, you’re in the right place. If the URL has the name of your chorus in it, you need to switch to NJCC. Click the Chorus Connection logo at the top left of the black bar, then click NJ Choral Consortium.

The event will appear on our website Chorus Calendar automatically in about 24 hours. If you posted an event on our portal calendar and you don’t see it on our website calendar the next day, try refreshing your browser window or waiting another day (we’re at the mercy of Google). If you still don’t see it the 2nd day, please email us.

Upcoming events by member choruses will be copied and pasted from our portal calendar into the NJCC newsletter. If you posted an event on our portal calendar and you don’t see it in our newsletter, please email us.

If you’re not sure who (if anyone) from your chorus has activated an account, please email us. There are no extra dues or other fees to use the portal besides your chorus organizational membership dues.

What information about my chorus concerts and other events should I post?

DO: Start with the name of your chorus and event title in the Name section; enter the date, time, and location; state whether the event is virtual, in-person, or hybrid; enter a short description and a website, email or phone number for tickets/information in the Info section. We encourage you to post your concerts as soon as the date is decided, even if not all details have been firmed up. This helps other choruses avoid date conflicts and duplicated repertoire. Remind yourself to update the event later; it will appear on our website and in our newsletter as is.

DO NOT: enable RSVPs; include a performers’ call time; list rehearsals or private events; list events by organizations that are not members of NJCC.

How do I change the information about an event already posted on the website Chorus Calendar?

Log in to your NJCC membership portal Chorus Connection account and click Manage, then Calendar. Click the event you want to change and click Edit. Make the changes and click Save. If you want to delete the event completely, click Delete. The changes will appear on our website Chorus Calendar automatically in about 24 hours. Event listings can be updated at any time. Any chorus representative can change or delete an event. Please do not change or delete an event for a chorus you do not represent.

How do I get my chorus fundraisers, workshops, open sings and other events onto the NJCC website?

Member choruses may post all events that are open to the public, paid or free of charge, virtual or in-person. Log in to your Chorus Connection account and click Go next to NJ Choral Consortium. Click Manage, then Calendar, then New Event. Enter the information and click Save. The event will appear on our website Chorus Calendar automatically in about 24 hours. Please do not post invitation-only events that are just for your chorus members, alumni, families, subscribers, or donors.

How do I get my chorus virtual events onto the NJCC website?

If your member chorus is holding virtual events on specific dates, log in to your Chorus Connection account and post them on the Calendar. They will appear on our website Chorus Calendar automatically in about 24 hours. On-demand recordings without specific dates will not appear on our website, but you can post a notice on the Chorus Connection Bulletin Board. We’ll copy and paste Chorus Connection Calendar events and relevant Bulletin Board posts to our newsletter.

How do I get my chorus auditions onto the NJCC website?

If your member chorus is holding auditions or other singer recruitment events on specific dates, log in to your Chorus Connection account and post them on the Calendar. They will appear on our website Chorus Calendar automatically in about 24 hours. Auditions that are ongoing without specific dates will not appear on our website, but you can post a notice on the Chorus Connection Bulletin Board. We’ll copy and paste Chorus Connection Calendar events and relevant Bulletin Board posts to our newsletter.

How do I get my chorus job openings and other notices onto the NJCC website?

Job openings and other notices don’t go onto the website, but members can post them on our Chorus Connection membership portal. To post a job opening, log in to your NJCC membership portal Chorus Connection account. Click Bulletin Board at the top, then click New Post. Enter the Subject and Text, then click Save. Your post will be automatically emailed to members on our Chorus Connection portal who chose to receive Bulletin Board emails. Relevant posts will be copied and pasted into the NJCC newsletter.

How do I get my chorus photo onto the NJCC website?

Although we can’t show photos of all our member choruses at once on our website, we rotate the member photos from time to time. To add your member chorus to the rotation, email a high-resolution photo that is at least 300 dpi AND at least 1500 pixels wide at 72 dpi.


How do I get my chorus concerts and other events into the NJCC newsletter?

Log in to your Chorus Connection membership portal account and enter the event on the NJ Choral Consortium calendar. Instructions are in the first FAQ under Chorus Calendar above, and on the NJCC Chorus Connection home page. All upcoming member concerts and other events posted on our membership portal calendar will be copied and pasted into the NJCC newsletter. 

How do I get my chorus job openings and other notices into the NJCC newsletter?

Log in to your Chorus Connection membership portal account and click Bulletin Board at the top, then click New Post. Enter the Subject and Text, then click Save. Your post will be automatically emailed to members on our Chorus Connection portal who chose to receive our Bulletin Board emails. Your post will appear in the NJCC newsletter if relevant to non-members.

What is the NJCC newsletter publication schedule?

The NJCC newsletter is published 4 to 6 times a year. The publication schedule varies depending on when our volunteers have the time. We do our best to email a newsletter reminder to members a few days ahead. To find out when the next newsletter will be published, please email us.

How do I subscribe to the NJCC newsletter?

Click Subscribe to Newsletter in the top right corner of every page of our website, or click “join mailing list” on the Read Our Newsletter page.

How do I unsubscribe from the NJCC newsletter?

At the bottom of every email we send from MailChimp, there are links to unsubscribe or change your email preferences. Unsubscribe will take effect immediately, whether or not you click Submit. You may also email us if you want to unsubscribe or change your preferences.

How do I read past issues of the NJCC newsletter?

To read past newsletter issues, click Read Our Newsletter on the About Us page on our website.

How do I download a pdf of the NJCC newsletter?

Starting in March 2022, a pdf of each NJCC newsletter will be posted on our membership portal under Files – NJCC Newsletter (available a little while after the newsletter is sent out). Members with accounts on our portal can log in to Chorus Connection and download the pdf. (If your chorus uses Chorus Connection for its own membership, make sure you click NJ Choral Consortium when you log in, not the name of your chorus.) If you would like a pdf of the newsletter and you don’t have an account on our portal, please email us.

We ask member choruses to designate someone to share our newsletter with everyone in their chorus. If you’re designated but you don’t have a portal account and would like one, email us to get set up.

Membership Portal

How do I create an account for my chorus on the NJCC Chorus Connection portal?

Each member chorus can have one or more representatives with accounts on our portal. Usually it’s the director, president, and publicity manager. If you want to create a portal account for yourself or someone else as a representative of your chorus, please email us. You may give your login and password to others in your chorus to share your account, but only one person at a time will be able to use the same login and password. There is no extra fee to use the portal other than your chorus organizational membership dues.

How do change my account information on the NJCC Chorus Connection portal?

If you want to make changes to your own account, you can do that yourself by logging into your NJCC membership portal Chorus Connection account and clicking My Account. To have your name and email removed from our membership portal, please email us.

If you want to change someone else’s account, contact that person; you can only change your own account. If you want to change or inactivate an account for someone who is no longer in your chorus or doesn’t need to use the portal, please email us.

How do I post a concert or other event on the NJCC Chorus Connection portal calendar?

After logging in to your NJCC membership portal Chorus Connection account, click Go next to NJ Choral Consortium. In the black bar on the top right:

  • Click Manage, then Calendar. Click New Event (the blue box next to Calendar at the top).
  • Enter your event information and click Save.


  • If you don’t see the calendar at all, the problem is on your end. First try reducing or enlarging the window. If that doesn’t help, quit and try it with a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc. – different ones seem to work better at different times).
  • If your chorus has a Chorus Connection account for its own members, make sure you’re on the calendar page for NJCC, not the calendar page for your chorus. If the URL (the website address at the top of your browser window) has njcc in it, you’re in the right place. If the URL has the name of your chorus in it, you need to switch to NJCC. Click the Chorus Connection logo at the top left of the black bar, then click Go next to NJ Choral Consortium.

 Please do:

  • Start with the name of your chorus and event title in the Name section, and state whether the event is virtual, in-person, or hybrid.
  • Add a short description, the cost (or free of charge), and a website/social media link, email, or phone number for tickets, registration, and information in the Info section.
  • Post events as soon as the dates are set, even if not all details are confirmed yet. This will help our member choruses avoid date and repertoire conflicts.

 Please do not:

  • Do not click RSVPs. (This would only go to internal NJCC members, not your audience.)
  • Do not click Call Time, Track Attendance, Restrict Access, or Concert. (These are used by choruses to manage rehearsals.)
  • Do not list rehearsals or private events just for your chorus members, board, subscribers, or donors.
  • Do not list events by organizations that are not NJCC members.

Your concerts and other events will appear on the Chorus Connection Calendar immediately. In about 24 hours, they’ll appear on the NJCC website Chorus Calendar. Upcoming events will be copied and pasted into the NJCC newsletter.

If you posted an event on our portal calendar and you don’t see it on our website calendar the next day, try refreshing your browser window or waiting another day (we’re at the mercy of Google). If you still don’t see it the 2nd day, or you don’t see it in the newsletter, please email us.

How do I change the information already posted about an event on the NJCC Chorus Connection portal calendar?

Log in to your NJCC membership portal Chorus Connection account. Click Manage, then Calendar. Click the event you want to change and click Edit. Make the changes and click Save. If you want to delete the event completely, click Delete. The changes will appear on the portal calendar immediately, and on our website Chorus Calendar in about 24 hours.

How do I post a job opening or other announcement on the NJCC Chorus Connection portal?

To post announcements such as job openings, log in to your NJCC membership portal Chorus Connection account. Click Bulletin Board at the top, then click New Post. Enter the Subject and Text, then click Save. Your post will be automatically emailed to members on our Chorus Connection portal who chose to receive Bulletin Board emails. Relevant posts will be copied and pasted into the NJCC newsletter.

How do I stop getting NJCC Bulletin Board posts emailed to me?

When you activate your portal account, you’ll automatically get all NJCC portal Bulletin Board posts emailed to you. To stop receiving them, log in to your NJCC membership portal Chorus Connection account. Click Bulletin Board, then Change (just above the messages). Click Never, then click Save.

How do I close my account on the NJCC Chorus Connection membership portal?

To close your NJCC account on our Chorus Connection membership portal, please email us. If you also have a Chorus Connection account for your chorus, that account will not be affected.

What else can I do on the NJCC Chorus Connection portal?

• To find resources we’ve posted for our members, click Files at the top. Click the folder name, then click Open to read it or Download to get a copy you can save on your computer.
• To post questions and notices for other members or the NJCC newsletter, click Bulletin Board at the top, then click New Post. Enter the Subject and Text, then click Save. Your post will be automatically emailed to members on our Chorus Connection portal who chose to receive Bulletin Board emails. Relevant posts will be copied and pasted into the NJCC newsletter.
• To stop receiving emails about Bulletin Board posts, click Bulletin Board, then Change (just above the messages). Click Never, then click Save.
• To send an email to a specific member, click Members, then click the person’s email address. To send an email to all representatives of your chorus listed on the portal, click My Account, then Communications. Under Groups I Can Email, click the email address shown for your chorus. A blank email will be created for you to complete and send.
• To learn more about other members, such as the chorus they’re in, click Members, then the person’s name. The chorus the person represents for NJCC is under Choral Organization at the top. For those in more than one chorus, additional choruses are listed under Groups at the bottom. Click Close when done.
• To see all representatives for a chorus, click Members, then enter the chorus name (or part of the name) in the Search box, then press or click Return or Enter on your computer. 

• To download our newsletter to share with your chorus members, click Files, then NJCC Newsletter, then Download for the issue you want (from March 2022 on).

How much does Chorus Connection cost?

Your chorus’s NJCC membership dues allow selected chorus representatives to use our portal free of charge for purposes related to NJCC. Chorus Connection provides free accounts only to choral consortia such as NJCC. Chorus Connection sells accounts to choruses to manage their membership records and concert tickets. The cost to the chorus depends on the size of the chorus (approximately $1 per month per person). NJCC does not promote or sell software for Chorus Connection or any other company. Chorus Connection staff do not send unsolicited promotional messages to NJCC member choruses.

How does it work if my chorus has its own Chorus Connection account?

If your chorus uses Chorus Connection for its own membership records, and you also use the NJCC Chorus Connection portal, you’ll use the same login and password for both, but you’ll have 2 different profiles with 2 different calendars. After logging in to Chorus Connection, you’ll see both NJ Choral Consortium and the name of your chorus. Click Go next to the one you want to use. To switch from one to the other, click the Chorus Connection logo at the top left of the black bar. IMPORTANT: To post an event on the NJCC calendar, you must select NJ Choral Consortium, not the name of your chorus

There is no connection between the Chorus Connection calendar for your own chorus and the Chorus Connection calendar for NJCC. If you post an event on your own chorus calendar, only your chorus membership will be able to see it. The event will not appear on the NJCC Chorus Connection calendar unless you select NJ Choral Consortium and post the event again on the calendar there.

There are a few important differences between event posts for your own chorus members and event posts for NJCC, because your chorus members know more about your chorus than other NJCC members do. When you post an event on the NJCC calendar:

  • In the Name section, enter the name of your chorus before the event title.
  • In the Info section, enter your chorus website, social media link, email, or phone number for tickets/registration and information.
  • PLEASE DO NOT click Call Time, Track Attendance, Restrict Access, Concert, or RSVPs. Those options are just for your chorus’s internal use on its own calendar.


How do I find out if my chorus is a member of NJCC?

Look at our Member Choruses page. If the chorus is listed there, it’s a member (although sometimes the chorus dues payments might not be up to date).

How do I find out if my member chorus dues payments are up to date?

Please email us or call 862-438-5232 if you’re not sure whether your chorus dues were paid. We keep our member choruses listed on our website for a while, even if their dues aren’t up to date, until we know they’re out of business or no longer interested in membership.

How do I change the information for my chorus on the Member Choruses page?

Please email us if any changes are needed to your chorus name, website/social media link, or county.

Who can be a member of NJCC?

All choruses that sing in NJ are invited, as well as other musical organizations. All musical missions and genres are welcome. Member choruses may be small, large, or mid-sized; auditioned or not; professional, semi-professional, or amateur; adults, youth, or multi-generational; men’s, women’s, or multi-gender; independent or affiliated with a congregation, school, orchestra, theater, opera company, or other organization. Everyone in an NJCC member chorus is automatically an NJCC member. Interested individuals who aren’t in an NJ chorus may join as individual members.

What is a chorus liaison?

We’d like every member chorus to designate a liaison as the primary contact for NJCC. Here’s what the liaison should do:

  • Share our newsletter, event notices, and other emails with your chorus.
  • Attend our events whenever possible.
  • Encourage chorus members to attend our events.
  • Make sure your chorus dues are paid.
  • Tell us when your chorus leadership changes.

Please email President Sue Metz to let us know the right liaison for your chorus (and if we have multiple names, which one to use). 

How can my chorus join NJCC?

All choruses that sing in NJ are welcome. Join any time online or by mailing us a check; first-year organizational dues are $25 – half price. If you mail a check, please enclose our membership form with your check so we know which chorus you’re paying for. If you’re coming to one of our events, you may bring the membership form and check with you. We’ll add your chorus to the Member Choruses page on our website, and send you an email about how to set up your Chorus Connection membership portal account.

How much does it cost to be a member of NJCC?

New chorus/organizational dues are $25 for the first year. Renewing chorus/organizational dues are $50 per calendar year. Everyone in an NJCC member chorus is automatically an NJCC member. Individual dues are $25 whether new or renewing, for those who wish to join but are not in an NJCC member chorus. Join online or mail a check with your membership form to the address shown on the form.

Can I pay NJCC dues or workshop registration fees online if I don’t have a PayPal account?

Yes. Click the Pay Now link on our website and choose Check Out as Guest. You may use a credit or debit card, such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Zelle may also be used for dues payments. Zelle is a free app available through your bank to pay directly from your bank account. The payee is treasurer@njchoralconsortium.org for all NJCC payments.

Can I pay NJCC dues myself if my chorus doesn’t have a business credit card or checking account?

Yes. You may use your individual credit card, or Zelle app payable to treasurer@njchoralconsortium.org. You may mail us a check along with our membership form.

When does my NJCC membership expire?

All memberships are valid for a calendar year. Renewal notices are emailed in January. New members may join at any time.

What do NJCC membership dues pay for?

We use membership dues to subsidize the operational costs of maintaining our website and hosting free events when we can. Membership entitles your chorus to:

  • List your chorus on our Member Choruses page with a link to your website or social media.
  • Post your events and notices on our Chorus Connection portal
  • Have your events automatically flow from our Chorus Connection Calendar to our website Chorus Calendar
  • Have your upcoming events and relevant notices listed in our newsletter
  • Have your upcoming events and relevant notices shared on our Facebook page after they’re posted on your chorus Facebook page.
  • Invite your members to sing in selected concerts at Carnegie Hall.
  • Receive free or discounted admission to our events for all members of your chorus.
  • Receive discounted ticket offers for your members to attend selected concerts by other member choruses.
Are online payments to NJCC secure?

Yes. Payments on the NJCC website are always secure. We use PayPal to process all online payments. You don’t need to have a PayPal account. We do not receive your credit/debit card or PayPal account information. 


How do I contact NJCC?

Please contact us by email or call 862-438-5232. We ask for your patience if we can’t respond right away, since we are an all-volunteer organization with no office.

How do I suggest a future NJCC event or venue?

Please email us with your suggestions for workshop topics and presenters, open sing repertoire and conductors, and event venues that meet these criteria:

• Total cost under $300 (rental + any other fees)
• Fully wheelchair accessible
• Heat and air conditioning
• Ample free parking
• Easy access from main highways
• Near many NJCC member choruses
• Room capacity 100
• Areas for registration, refreshments, restrooms
• Piano or keyboard for open sings and singing workshops

What do NJCC board members do?

Our board members do all our administrative work: planning and running our workshops and open sings, marketing our events, updating our website and social media pages, communicating with our members, writing and sending our newsletter, keeping track of dues and event registrations, and more. Board Members At Large volunteer a few hours a month for NJCC. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer volunteer a few hours a week (not every week). Board Member terms are 2 years with no term limits.

What are the requirements for joining the NJCC board?

If you’re interested in choral music in NJ and willing to help, we’d love to have you. NJCC board members do not have to be in a chorus, live in NJ, have board experience, or donate money to NJCC. 

How do I join the NJCC board, assist board members, or sit in on a board meeting?

Please email us if you’re considering joining or assisting our board or sitting in on a board meeting. We’ll be happy to have you, whatever your skills, interests, and available time. You can help virtually or in person, one time or more often, without having to join the board.
Any member can sit in on a board meeting. The board meets monthly except in summer. Most board meetings are by teleconference.